Atlantic salmon

4.6kg Atlantic salmon

Fisherman fly-fished a 4.6kg Atlantic salmon that has just come up the local river. Normally it will be released but this unfortunate fish has swallowed the hook too far down and could not be saved. 

Atlantic salmon

It is the first time I tasted freshly killed wild Atlantic salmon. 

Atlantic salmon sashimi

Unlike at Alaska, where it is very easy to catch its relative Pacific salmon in the rivers, the texture of wild Atlantic salmon is firmer, and the taste of sashimi has a hint of oyster like marine note. 

Atlantic salmon fillet

The fish is cut up into different parts, very little is wasted.

Atlantic salmon fillet

gravlax Atlantic salmon

One side of the fillet is turned into gravlax, at 1.5 % each of salt and brown sugar, lemon zest and some white pepper, being kept in the fridge for 3 days with a weight on top.

Atlantic salmon portioned for freezing

Another fillet is cut up into portions to be frozen for later use.

baked fish bone

The fish back bone is seasoned with salt and baked at 200˚C for 10 minutes immediately, delicious with mild charred taste.

Atlantic salmon head stew

The fish head is stewed in a sauce of rice wine, soy sauce, miso, water, brown sugar, and herbs, bring to simmer and cook 5 minutes each sides, and rest in the pot for another 5 minutes.  

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