Fermented fig chutney

With a good harvest of fig this year, I have enough to spare to try to ferment fig to make chutney. Apparently this is how chutney used to be made in the old days, not adding vinegar. The result is great, a bit fizzy, delicious salty sour flavor.

1. Choose less ripe figs for a firmer texture, cut into quarters.

2. Pack in a preserving glass jar, with a rubber band neck for gas to escape (or a gas lock), fill with 2% salt brine using boiled and cooled down non-chlorinated water, place blackcurrant/raspberry etc berry leaves at the bottom and on top to provide more lactic bacteria (optional).

3. Add other seasoning like ginger, pepper, onion, garlic etc as you like with the chutney.

4. Keep in a cool ~ 20˚C dark place, (cover with a paper bag will do) with a dish below to collect bubbling over liquid.

5. Depending how sour you like it, ready to eat in a week. I have it after 2 weeks and the sour taste is more pronounced. 
6. Keep in the fridge after opening.

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