Organic sheep farm

organic sheep farm

Virginie, previous music teacher to mentally retarded children, music therapist to patients, turned sheep farmer at age 43.
Virginie Cosnay, organic sheep farm

The change has not been easy, but she admitted happily that the road ahead gradually unfold in front, with help from friends, family and fellow farmers when needed.

organic sheep farm

She has 13 Ha of land, her 50plus sheep are raised on grass only, no fattening on corn at all. They move up to the hills in mid June for a second round of "spring " grass there, and will stay for 2 months. They are treated with herbal, homeopath medicine, she learned the art through reading books, taking courses and careful observation.

her place

Virginie said this is her place, she is content here, looking after sheep at this phase of her life.

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