Shad 鰣魚

Shad 鰣魚

A rare treat, freshly caught shad from a nearby river in the morning and cooked for lunch. Being a herring like oily fish, it has a good layer of oil under the skin, which after cooking, turned the scale and skin golden and crispy, the meat is very juicy tender. It is a tasty fish, local people here do not like it because of lots of bones.
Shad 鰣魚
I sprinkle salt on both sides of the fish, place thin slices of ginger in the belly, add half a cup of water in the baking tray, bake at 200˚C for 20 minutes (this is an inch thick fish), rest in the warm oven for another 10 minutes with door ajar.

Shad 鰣魚

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