Sloe jam


Sloe is the fruit of wild plum, a vigorous tree root on which most of the orchard plum, cherry, peach, nectarine trees are grafted on.

The fruit is small, bluish, like mini Damson, with sharp sour rich taste.

This is the second time in 6 years here that there is a harvest. The sloes are fully ripe and I could not stand not collecting them. The jam has a deep ruby colour and intense flavor.

sloe jam

Sloe 3kg
brown sugar 600gm
1/2 teaspoon of salt

1. Mix sloes with sugar and salt and rest for a day in the fridge to soften.
2. Pour sloes into baking dish, add boiling water to just cover all fruit.
baked sloe

3. Bake at 180˚C for 45 minutes, stir half way through.
4. When cool enough to handle, pass sloe mixture through sieve to remove stone.

sieving out sloe stones

5. Re-boil, check sweetness, cook to desired thickness. 

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