Baked vegetable

Spent the week clearing the vegetable plot, dug out all root vegetables that are ready, parsnip, orange and purple sweet potato and Jerusalem artichoke. 
2 Jerusalem artichoke plants that have finished flowering

Jerusalem artichoke from 2 plants

The organic cow farmer who cut the grass on our land for feeding his cows in the winter, returned a few tons of old manure. This is being mixed into the plot to enrich the soil and improves texture for the next veg season. 

purple sweet potato

orange sweet potato
It is great to make a simple baked vegetable dish that has all the various seasonal harvest (parsnip, orange and purple sweet potato, Jerusalem artichoke, butternut squash, pear and garlic) beautiful colours, no need any seasoning as each vegetable has their own unique flavor. Pear gives a juicy sweet sour taste, a good contrast to starchy vegetables.

Baked vegetable
1. Cut vegetables into chunks. Shake vegetables in a big bowl with some olive oil, bake at 170˚C for 45 minutes, until soft and edges slightly golden.
2. Mix fresh herb (parsley, basil, coriander, chive etc) with salt and olive oil for a couple of hours to soften. 

Baked vegetable
3. Place baked vegetable in a dish and place herbs on top for decoration and extra flavor.

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