Hobatere lodge, lion's kill, Namibia

lion kill zebra

Near noon, while watching animals drinking at the distant water hole, suddenly saw a lioness ran after a mountain zebra. Within seconds the lioness outran the zebra and her claws were on the rump of the poor prey, bringing it down and killing it by biting at the neck. 

lion kill zebra

The safari guide instantly signaled us, and all lodge staffs to jump on the jeep, rushed to the scene to have a closer look. The whole pride of lions were there already, attacking the belly of the zebra while it was still alive. 

lion kill zebra

The lioness held on to the neck of the zebra until it was motionless, then she used her tongue to close the eyelids of the prey, a common act among this type of big predators. 

lion kill zebra

Eating the internal organs first, which will be enough for the day, the rest will be for the next couple of days.

lion kill zebra

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