Octopus tempura, Ko sushi 幸鮨 Shirahama city

Ko sushi, Shirahama city

The best sushi in town, a confident chef who speaks some English. Ordered a tasting of sashimi and sushi, all delicious. Very skillful preparation, some natural, some marinated, some partly grilled etc.

miso on fish, Ko sushi, Shirahama

The most amazing is his preparation of octopus, which is normally beaten or frozen, then cooked to death to soften it in all other countries.

octopus leg finely cut, Ko sushi Shirahama

He has it fresh, cut the skin off octopus leg, make very fine cuts all along it but still attached, cut into segments and serve as tempura. It is just cooked, much more tasty than the long cooked version, and a bit al-dente.

fresh octopus leg tempura, Ko sushi, Shirahama

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