Omasake, Kojo sushi, Shingu city, Wakayama Japan

In Wakayama area, most restaurants do not have an English menu, nor staff that speaks English, so it is hard to order interesting dishes using local seasonal ingredients.

Omakase is the best way to solve the problem when you can’t read Japanese, and tied of ordering the same things you know while other guests are having interesting dishes.

Leave it to the chef, price range from 2000 to 5000 yen. 

Omasake, Kojo sushi, sashimi

Omasake, Kojo sushi, chicken

Omasake, Kojo sushi, fried fish

Omasake, Kojo sushi, hot pot

Omasake, Kojo sushi,

Omasake, Kojo sushi, sushi

Omasake, Kojo sushi, sea urchin on beef

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