Beautiful Kinsale, South Ireland


Kinsale is the prettiest harbour town I have visited in Ireland so far, being so lucky to have continuous sunny days helps the positive impression.


Kinsale in the evening
Very beautiful hill town with colourful buildings sprinkled around the curvy coastline. Lots of serious and simple restaurants, and a number of scenic sites to visit.  

An hour gentle walk along the coast leads to Charles Fort, built 200years ago. 

Charles Fort, Kinsale

Charles Fort, Kinsale

Charles Fort, Kinsale

 5 minutes drives and you arrive at Sandy Cove, a secluded bay where locals do water sports. 

Sandy Cove

And another 15 minutes drive to the end is Kinsale Old Head, a fist like mass of land that sticks out a long way. 

Kinsale Old Head

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