Baked fish in Rovinj, Croatia

 With a lot of spring onion in the market, I use a lot in cooking, including on baked fish. Great aroma and because of very short cooking time, spring onion stays green. 
baked rock fish, John Dory with spring onion & ginger
1. Season fish with salt and dry in fridge for a few hours.

2. Season ginger and spring onion with a little salt and olive oil, mix well and rest for 10 minutes, for spring onion to soften, cooks better this way. 

 rock fish, John Dory with spring onion & ginger, before baking

3. Place spring onion ginger mixture below and on top of fish in a baking dish. Loosely wrap with baking paper, bake at 180˚C for 15 minutes, rest for 5 minutes with oven door ajar.

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