Savoy cabbage with quinoa

Savoy cabbage

I planted Savoy cabbage and green cabbage seedlings in mid March, under net cover to avoid white butterfly laying eggs. They should form a head in 3 months' time. 
While green cabbage is doing well, the Savoy cabbage has no sign of the head yet. Since there is not much to harvest at the moment, I decide to pick the outer leaves of the Savoy cabbage and cook them like normal. The leaves look thick and rough but are actually easy to cook soft, I feel that they have more flavor than kale. 

Savoy cabbage with quinoa

1. Sweat garlic, add Savoy cabbage(cut into shreds), cut up dried apricot or raisin, season with salt, simmer with half a cup of water.
2. When soft, add sour cream and cooked quinoa, stir to mix well.

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