Baked ratatouille

fresh veg today

The veg garden is starting to produce more things to eat, there is a regular supply of zucchini and little peppers, occasional eggplant and tomato, just enough to make ratatouille. 

baked ratatouille

The traditional recipe is to fry every ingredient separately in oil with garlic and thyme, before combining and cook in tomato. This is far too much work for a small quantity of ingredients, so instead use a baking method. A reasonable tasty result for not much effort!

Baked ratatouille before baking

1. Cut zucchini, eggplant and tomato into bite size pieces, onion into wedges, season with salt, a handful of fresh thyme, chopped garlic and olive oil, rest for half an hour.
2. Bake at 180˚C until soft, around 30 minutes.
3. Cut semi dry tomatoes into pieces and re-inflate in some water (or use tomato paste), mix with hot baked vegetables and serve.

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