Tuna and blood sausage canapes

For a casual evening drink gathering, prepared a board using tuna and blood sausage on bread as finger food.

Tuna and blood sausage canapes

Tuna canape

1. Cut fresh tuna into cubes, gently cook at medium heat in butter, season with salt and white pepper. Take out when just cooked through.

2. When cool, cut up roughly, mix with sour cream, form quenelle using 2 spoons and place on buttered bread, sprinkle finely cut kaffir lime on top.

Blood sausage canape

1. Cut blood sausage into 1cm slices, bake at 170˚C for 10 minutes to soften.

2. Spread apricot jam (apricot cooked in brown sugar and a pinch of salt) on toast, place blood sausage, and put a few Calendula petals on top.

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