Hawthorn blossom

I am learning to forage from a book on Hedgerow Medicine and from a herbalist on internet, only for items that have useful health benefits to us.

At the moment is hawthorn blossom, clusters of small white flowers with a perfume. Easily seen here as it is a common hedge tree. I collected from a bush in an island on the lake while on a boat trip, should have zero pollution. 

Hawthorn blossom on an island

Hawthorn blossom

Hawthorn blossom


Hawthorn blossom and fruit have phenols that are good for the heart and soften arteries, and has a calming effect too.

I dried some to make tea, soak some in vodka for a sip in the evening and some turned into cordial for use in drinks and desserts.


hawthorn cordial before filtering

hawthorn tincture (in vodka)

Hawthorn blossom cordial

1. Bring to boil 2 parts (in volumn) water with 2 parts sugar (I used half white and half brown for better flavor).

2. Add 5 parts hawthorn blossom, reduce to simmering, for 25 minutes. Filter and bottle, keep in the fridge to prolong usage time.

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