Kindle 書兩本「法國田園生活見聞與反思」「法國田園生活煮食與種植」
A lifestyle blog about gardening, traveling, cooking and eating well.
Fried okra
When okra is cooked by blanching, it develops a slimy texture that a lot of people do not like. I experimented with shallow frying, the result is good, a pleasant mild nutty and sweet flavor with very little sliminess.
立勳兄:用它(lady's finger)煮咖哩魚,好食啊!
ReplyDeleteJackson, 坦白說,我在夏天種lady's finger,但很少夏天煮咖哩,所以一直只齋吃或放湯,從沒有放進咖哩中,一定要試試.