HK green beans

Earlier this year, I visited the 'O-Farm' in Fanling, Hong Kong. The owner Mr Yip gave me some of his family heirloom green bean seeds that his father brought from Malaysia, with a record of growing to 3 feet long. I planted the seeds in my garden in May, they took a long time to germinate and showed very slow growth compared with other beans. Well into July the plants still had just a few leaves whereas other species of beans were producing pods already. I thought perhaps they do not like the French climate or the soil type and will not bear fruit here. Finally by the end of August, the speed of growth picked up, chucking out lots of leaves, and bean pods started to form. I waited anxiously to see the length they could achieve here: a bit longer than 2 feet,  so I was very happy. I let them set seeds this year and will harvest the seeds for growing on next year, hoping that they may become more adapted to grow in this climate. 

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