Buddha hand and pear nut crumble

Buddha hand

This citrus fruit is so unusual, there is absolutely no juice inside, just like a giant irregularly shaped lemon skin, smells great (like lemon). 

Buddha hand

The peel is more juicy and softer than lemon peel, can be eaten as such, sort of like a lemony zucchini.
1. Slice Buddha hand thinly, mix with pear (cut into cubes) and juice of a lemon, place in a baking dish.
2. To make the crumble, roughly chop up a small bowl of nuts (almond/peanut/cashew etc), add a small bowl of flour, a bowl of desiccated coconut, 30gm brown sugar, pinch of salt, 30gm butter, mix well. 

Buddha hand and pear nut crumble

3. Press a tablespoon of nut mixture together, place on top of fruit, repeat until fruit is covered. Bake at 180˚C until golden, around 15 minutes.
Buddha hand and pear nut crumble

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