Lamb brisket stew

Lamb brisket stew

While butchering the half lamb earlier, there is the part brisket (as in cow brisket) along from the ribs near the belly, which is not sold in the butcher. It is a very tough part with lots of connective tissues and need long cooking, just like cow brisket.
roll up lamb brisket with garlic and bay leaves

1. Season with 1.5% its weight of salt, some white pepper, put slices of garlic and bay leaves on top, roll and tie up firmly. Put some more bay leaves on the outside too (I have a huge bay tree), keep in the fridge for 2 days to cure, turn over the next day.

2. Cook in a pot with water to just cover meat, add a little salt, a few star anise, slices of licorice, ginger, a piece of preserved mandarin peel, some Chinese barley, lotus seeds (for carbs) and white fungus (to thicken sauce). Bring to boil for 15 minutes to make sure the meat is warmed to the inside. 

Lamb brisket stew

3. Transfer to slow cooker, cook at high setting for an hour, then change to low setting overnight. Should be very tender the next morning.

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