Ma Yau 馬友 fish baked in papillote

Ma Yau 馬友 fish baked in papillote

At the fish market, it is easy to see that this winter there is a good supply of wild Ma Yau fish, which will only be this fatty and delicious until March. It is one of the best local sea fish, with oily and fine flesh.
I tried steaming and pan fry, the first method generate a lot of liquid in the dish, always make me feel that the taste of the fish is washed out. The latter method of pan fry with lid on is good, fast with crispy skin, but need to watch it carefully in order not to overcook it.
So try this wrap up in paper method, easy, no worry, and very juicy meat without extra moisture.
Ma Yau 馬友 fish baked in papillote
1. Lightly salt the fish for at least half day to firm the flesh.
2. Spread olive oil on both sides of fish, place a piece of ginger on the paper then the fish on top, wrap up with a slit in the middle for steam to escape.
3. For a 1.5cm thick slice, bake at 200˚C for 10 minutes, rest in the warm oven for another 2 minutes.

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