Cherry tomatoes in 2 dishes

home grown cherry tomatoes

Given a big box of homegrown cherry tomatoes, they are small but bursting with sweet and acidic flavor. 

Dish one - cherry tomatoes with Kinzanji miso and mint
cherry tomatoes with Kinzanji miso and mint

Cut tomatoes into halves, mix with Kinzanji miso and mint. The savory sweet umami flavor of miso goes really well with the sharp tasting tomatoes.

Dish two - cherry tomato scramble egg and mint

cherry tomato scramble egg and mint

A popular dish in my childhood, rarely make it now as I normally have egg in the morning. However thought of making this dish again because of these tasty tomatoes.
Season eggs with salt, cook and before totally set, add tomatoes, cut into halves. Stir to mix and cook just enough to warm the tomatoes, add mint before serving.

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