Daikon black bean pickle

This winter I have been eating a lot of daikon pickles, need to change the recipe regularly to add interest to the dish. This time I add fermented black bean which gives a special fragrance and flavor. 

Daikon black bean pickle

Cut daikon into bite size pieces, season with salt, fermented black bean, brown sugar, chili and white pepper, mix well. Leave for a night, mix regularly, juice will come out.

Serve as such as a snack, or make daikon black bean pickle with mango dish. The soft texture and sweet sour flavor of mango goes well with crunchy savory daikon.

Daikon black bean pickle with mango and herbs
Simply cut mango into similar bite size pieces, chop fresh herbs finely (coriander, parsley, basil etc), mix with equal amount of daikon pickle and it is ready.

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