Asparagus in March

Asparagus in March

I covered the asparagus field over winter to stop weed growing. In past years, I only start picking asparagus in April. This year, after a mild winter, it is a pleasant surprise to find the cover being pushed up  - by tall fat asparagus! As they were grown under cover, they stayed white and sweet.

Asparagus in March

The fat ones are cut into slices, slowly cooked in a little olive oil until light golden, to concentrate the flavor. 

dry cooked asparagus

Or simply place in 180˚C oven and bake until just turned soft, about 15 minutes, serve with a little drizzle of olive oil on top.

asparagus baked

Or baked and serve with Hollandaise sauce, the light velvety sauce with mild lemon flavor compliment the mild sweetness of asparagus well.

asparagus with Hollandaise sauce

On a hot water bath, whisk 2 egg yolks with 1/2 glass of sherry, pinch of salt, juice of 1/3 lemon until creamy. Slowly pour in 100gm melted butter, whisk to combine and foam up a little. Keep warm and serve warm.

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