Spider crab

cooked spider crab

Went pass the fish shop in town and saw a sign announcing live spider crab available, all female. Hard to ignore such temping foodie message, bought one, and a small wild turbot too, for only 29 euro!


Put spider crab in a boiling bouillon, simmer for 10 minutes, turn off heat and rest 10 more minutes.
The meat is tender and sweet, far better than brown crab that is very common in Europe.
There are a lot of crab fat and eggs, I salted them a little to keep for another meal, just to spread out the pleasure.

Spider crab fat and egg sauce on cauliflower
spider crab fat and eggs

This rich and colorful sauce goes well with pasta or any plain tasting food, like cauliflower.

spider crab fat and egg sauce

1. Bake cauliflower at 170˚C for 30 minutes.  
2. Cook crab fat, eggs, rice wine, cream together, season with soy and white pepper. 

spider crab fat and egg sauce on cauliflower

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