Tuna sauerkraut quinoa curry

Spring is the time to use up stored food, as the garden is not producing a lot of vegetables yet. For a simple lunch, I used frozen tuna and sauerkraut from last year. 

Tuna sauerkraut quinoa curry
1. Soak quinoa for a couple of hours. Boil in 3 parts its volume of water until soft.
2. Cut tuna into cubes and sear all sides golden.
3. Sweat onion, garlic and ginger, add curry powder and extra turmeric powder, gently stir in slowly a thick yogurt, to form the base of the curry.
4. Add sauerkraut, season with soy sauce, brown sugar and white pepper.
5. Add cooked quinoa and liquid, tuna cubes and parsley into curry and serve.

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