Vegetable garden

vegetable seeds germinated

After 2 weeks away, it is great to come back to see vegetable seeds sowed just before I left have germinated, around 80% success rate. This could be due to keeping the propagator boxes in the green house with windows open, for a mild day and night temperature. Also possible that I have sprayed them with seaweed extract, which according to James Wong's gardening book, improves germination.

broad beans

A lot of broad beans are ready to harvest, this first lot will be blanched and stored in the freezer. Then everyday, I will harvest what I need for the meal. The warmer weather means ants have been busy bringing aphids on the plants, 10% of plants are affected. I removed all the flowering tops to stop more aphids coming, also go round all plants to remove young shoots, just want them to ripen the existing bean pods faster.

lettuce growing among broad bean plants

After thinning broad beans, the lettuce and cabbage seedlings planted 2 weeks ago among them, will have more space and receive more light to grow big.  

cabbage growing among broad bean plants

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