Fish of the season

Went to San Sebastian for a day out and come back with a few seasonal fish, the market there is wonderful, lots of choice.

turbot before cooking

It is the easiest to cook, and for me, the most delicious of white flesh fish. 
turbot after baking

Simply season with salt on both sides of fish for half a day, bake at 200˚C for 12 minutes, rest with oven door ajar for 5 minutes (for a 1kg fish).


This is the fattest I have ever seen, the store owner removes guts and back bones. I decided to have them semi raw, lovely firm and meaty. 

anchovy after removing gut, head and backbone

Season with salt and pepper for at least half a day, quick rinse with rice wine to remove the slight fishy smell, then quick rinse with lemon juice to sterilize the surfaces without cooking too much and leaving a sour taste. 
anchovy semi raw

Dry the fish, arrange on plate and drizzle olive oil on top before serving.

Little flat fish
little flat fish

A tiny flat fish, and according to store owner, this is their final size. 
little flat fish with head and skin removed

They cut the head off and pull away the black skin, really great service. 
fried little flat fish

Season with salt for at least half a day, shallow fry until golden, they are great with a glass of white wine.

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