Slow roast lamb bones

Slow roast lamb bones

Bought half a lamb for the summer, around 6 months old and has a net weight of 20 kg. After cutting up to serving portions we like, keeping bones for soup, we loose around 1/2 a kg from this 10 kg purchase, keeping the most we could. 
It is a small size lamb and the rib eye meat is small, so instead of keeping it on the ribs, we like to cut it off, to be cooked easily like loin meat.

lamb bones
This leave us with rib cage and back bones, still with a bit of meat attached, too wasteful to be used in soup. My habit is to season them with salt, thyme and olive oil for a day.  

To cook, put in pre-heated to 180˚C oven, bone side up, lower temperature to 115 ˚C and slow cook for 2 hours, to soften all the ligaments. Flip to meat side up and raise temperature to 180˚C for a final brown look for 10 minutes, can place some veg to cook together.
This is actually for me the most tasty dish from the lamb, eating with fingers and a good glass of rich red wine.

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