Hemerocallis (day lily) 黃花菜

Hemerocallis (day lily) 黃花菜

This family of lily is very common here, grows well without much looking after, it will spread easily with the underground bulbs, there are many different colours and number of petals.

I only learned from studying internet vegetable catalogue that the flower bud is actually edible, and a popular dish in Asia.
Sure last year I ordered and planted the bulb of the edible variety and now I can start to harvest the buds.

Hemerocallis (day lily) 黃花菜

I do not have a lot of expectation from it in the beginning, but what a surprise. There is a pleasant texture and a mild sweet taste, actually a good finger food, and a pretty one, for pre-dinner drinks.

Hemerocallis (day lily) 黃花菜

Blanch them in water, the buds will soften and open up slightly.

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