Salted duck egg

I made salted egg before, but the yolk is never sandy and oily like shop bought ones. Read a friend's blog about making it by rolling the egg in alcohol first and stored them longer than the standard 28 days. 

salting duck eggs
With some new tricks it is worth to try again, indeed after keeping them in 20% salt solution with a couple of star anise for extra fragrance, and on 38 days, I cooked one to see the result. It worked, the yolk is tasty, oily and sandy. The white is very salty, so best used in soup for seasoning.

Potato, zucchini, coriander soup seasoned with salted egg

potato, zucchini, coriander soup with salted duck egg

A simple soup to make using whatever veg that is available in the garden. I grow a lot of coriander, and the stalk is very aromatic, best used in a soup.
1. Wash and dry shrimps, warm in oil until fragrant.
2. Add to water and simmer with coriander stalk, potato cubes and salted egg yolk.
3. Gently stir-fry zucchini, cut into cubes, at medium heat to draw out flavor.
4. Add zucchini into soup, stir in salted egg white, and add coriander leaves just before serving.
5. Cut salted egg yolk into halves, and add nasturtium flowers around for decoration.

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