Apricot upside down cake

apricot tree

With an exceptionally warm February, apricot trees benefited and many fruits were set. However the ripening of fruits were delayed because of exceptionally cool May and early June. 


So finally the fruits are now turning orange and falling down, with that wonderful intense apricot flavor.

Other than eating a lot fresh, making jam and drying them, also made this apricot cake like Tart Tatin, using a sponge cake as base. 

1. Cut apricots into halves and remove stone, cook in a pan with butter and brown sugar until just tuning soft.
2. Line the bottom of a large baking dish with cooking paper, arrange apricot cut side down, pour any remaining sauce on top.
3. Pour a sponge cake mix on top, bake at 170˚C until cooked. Turn upside down on to a large plate and serve with cream.

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