Early July pizza evening

8 people is a good number for a pizza dinner, we can share 5 pizzas and not feeling too heavy.
I looked at the garden and see what are available for harvest and then design the pizzas accordingly. 

pizza bianca with fresh coriander leaves and sesame

1. Pizza bianca with fresh coriander and sesame- the fragrance of coriander and sesame makes a good start of the dinner.
Mix coriander leaves with olive oil, spread on pizza dough, sprinkle sesame seed and salt on top. 

pizza nearly ratatouille

2. Pizza nearly ratatouille- using just ready young zucchini and green pepper, with semi dried tomato and tomato paste from last year, a nice vegetarian offer.
Cut zucchini and green pepper into slices, mix with thyme and olive oil, season with salt. Re-inflate semi-dried tomato with some water, season with salt and olive oil. Spread tomato paste on pizza dough, place zucchini and pepper mix on top, then cover with tomato slices, sprinkle some grated cheese on top.

pizza with onion and fresh tuna

3. Pizza with onion and tuna- the mild taste of tuna goes well with long cooked onion.
Cut onion with the green top into slices, cook in some olive oil at medium heat until sweetness comes out, season with salt. Cut fresh tuna into slices and season with salt and olive oil.
Spread onion mixture on pizza dough, place tuna then sprinkle grated cheese on top.

Pizza with golden beetroot, parsley and blood sausage

4. Pizza with golden beetroot, parsley and blood sausage- the mildly sweet and crunchy beetroot compliment well the rich flavor of blood sausage.
Cut beetroot into slices, mix in parsley leaves, season with salt and olive oil. Place beetroot mixture on pizza dough, place blood sausage and sprinkle grated cheese on top. 

Pizza with goat cheese and semi-dried nectarine

5. Pizza with goat cheese and semi-dried nectarine - something fruity sweet always goes well with creamy goat cheese.
Spread tomato paste on pizza dough, place goat cheese slices, cut up dried fruit and sprinkle grated cheese on top.

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