Pork and eggplant meatballs

To make meatballs or any form of mince meat, the texture is better if certain amount of fat is included. These days it is difficult to buy meat with fat, so by adding eggplant in the mix, it gives a moist and soft texture. In doing so, you eat more vegetables, too.
 1. Bake or steam eggplants until soft. When cool, scoop out the inside flesh, (use the skin in a salad).
2. Grind minced pork and eggplant flesh, season with salt, pepper and 5 spices powder. Two parts of pork  mixes well with one part of eggplant. Shape into meatballs.
3. Cut cabbage into thin slices, cook with white wine, salt, white pepper and water. When soft, place meatballs gently on top, simmer at low heat until pork is cooked, around 15 minutes for 3cm diameter meatball. 

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