Eating herbs flowers

From reading a book on Ikaria, a Greek Island with the highest percentage of centenarians, I notice they use a lot of herbs in cooking, not just in varieties but also in terms of quantity, good big handfuls in every dish.
fennel flower
To follow the good example, I added herbs like oregano, fennel and dill in my herb bed. The strong taste of herbs, compared with vegetable, must means that there are a lot more micro-nutrients inside, great for our body.
dill flower
In the hot July sun, fennel and dill bolt, and start having flowers. Now instead of eating their feathery fine leaves, I use the flowers in cooking, they taste even stronger than the leaves, wonderful.

Potato with dill flower

Green bean with ginger and fennel flower

Raw cabbage, cucumber and fennel flower salad (marinated with 1% of its weight in salt for an hour)

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