First pizza of the year

This must be the earliest we have pizza dinner in the year, since it is the first time I am able to use seasonal veg like asparagus as one of the ingredients.

Pizza bianca with fennel frond and sesame

1. Pizza bianca with fennel frond and sesame - tear up fennel frond, season with salt and olive oil, spread on pizza dough and sprinkle sesame on top before cooking.

Pizza with tomato paste, semi-dried tomato and asparagus

2. Pizza with homemade tomato paste, semi-dried tomato and asparagus - season tomato paste with salt and olive oil, add dried tomato (soaked in water to soften), spread on pizza dough, add asparagus (cut into halves vertically) on top before cooking.

Pizza with tuna, parsley, red bell pepper and cheese

3. Pizza with tuna, parsley, red bell pepper and cheese - season tuna, parsley and red bell pepper with salt, white pepper and olive oil, spread on pizza dough and sprinkle grated hard cheese on top before cooking.

Pizza with tomato paste, blood sausage, fennel and coriander

4. Pizza with tomato paste, blood sausage, fennel and coriander - spread tomato paste on pizza dough, place fresh coriander leaves, blood sausage (cut into slices), fennel into cubes on top, sprinkle grated hard cheese before cooking.

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