Blackcurrant jam

Continue to be a good year for fruit, so far harvested 6 kgs of black currant, one of my favorite berry for making jam and ice cream. This is pure blackcurrant jam, without adding any water.

1. Mix black currant with some brown sugar and bring to boil, squashing berries while stirring. When boiled, remove from heat, with lid on and rest, to extract more flavor from the skin and pectin from seed.

blended cooked blackcurrant

2. When cool, blend berry mixture to mince up skin. Add brown sugar to balance the acidity. As I keep jars of jam in the freezer and do not use sugar as preservative, I add just enough sugar to keep the flavor character of the berry.

3. Re-boil stirring all the time, fill preserving jars. 

blackcurrant jam

To make blackcurrant ice cream, dilute blackcurrant jam with 1/3 to 1/2 its volume of yogurt, add some honey to sweeten, pour into ice cream machine.

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