Doolin Homestead Cottage restaurant

Part of the reason to choose to have a walk near Doolin is to try this new restaurant. It opened last year and instantly got a Michelin star!
An old traditional house converted to restaurant, run by Irish chef and French wife. Lunch menu is decent, food looks good, perfect cooking degree and well seasoned, good value for money, rare in rural Ireland.

West coast Doolin area walk

On top of traveling aboard to see the world, I also may it as regular as possible, mostly during summer, of visiting beautiful locations in Ireland. 

This time to the west coast near Doolin, with huge rocky limestone coast, forming lots of cracks, called Clints and Gyres. Some part looks like a giant natural amphitheatre.

Though looking dry, the cracks has a lot of vegetations, beautiful colours and some plants are edible. 

rock samphire (edible)

sea campion (edible)

Also able to see on the thin soil pasture, farmers has cleared the field of rocks and used them to make boundary walls. 

Final walk is on a huge golden sand beach, so vast so natural, beautiful experience. 





After 10 day of slow yeast action, the mead is still sweet but has an alcoholic kick in it. It is surprisingly fragrant, because of the pollen and propolis that was in the comb during boiling to extract last bit of honey.
It is so different from commercial mead which is made from extracted honey only.
I enjoy very much this home brew mead, and the health benefit from pollen and propolis.

Ilex squid

 What a fantastic sunny hot day! Perfect for alfresco bbq dinner of squid and a salad with all home grown ingredients: butter lettuce, coriander, Shungiku, semi dried cherry tomatoes and honey fermented garlic.

First time to try this Ilex squid, (different from normal squid which are gathered from near the coast) with a pair of short wings at the tip end of the body. It is a bit tougher than normal squid, but equally tasty!


Mullet roe sourdough pancake

LIke very much this way to prepare my semidried frozen mullet roe, easy and crispy tasty.

1.Using sourdough discard, mix in more flour, water, salt and seaweed flakes, rest for an hour (or simply make a batter).
2. Cut scallion into small pieces.
3.Separate mullet roe and mix with batter
3. Sweat scallion until soft, pour batter on top and thin out, cook at medium heat until brown and crispy on both sides.


Three years since planting the roots, I can harvest asparagus now, just a few spears every few days and not that fat, but still a delight to have.
I peel off the tougher skin at the bottom, bake at 180˚C until turns soft, around 12 minutes. Just like that to enjoy the pure concentrated flavor of asparagus, but also good to sprinkle a little salt and drizzle olive oil for a different presentation.

Rose honey

The transplanted rugosa rose is doing well, very healthy and having a lot of flowers now. I will go in the evening to collect the petals of wide open flowers, after insects have enjoyed their nectar and knowing that in a bit of wind they will fall down. Nip off the flower heads afterward and more buds will come.
I add the petals into a jar of raw honey, from my hives, and let int steep in it. At the end of the year I will have fragrant rose honey. 

I use only rugosa wild rose, because mose cultivated rose are hybrid with camelia, giving the petal a mild astringent taste.

Vegetable garden



外遊回來,到菜園巡視一圈,大黑鳥似乎有點幫助,戶外菜苗都安好,只是天氣仍冷,沒怎麼長大。 溫室內的蔬果就大不同,一星期不見,長高長胖,看到開心。


















2024年5月6日 盛衰起落

除了看電影 Schindler’s List 外,從來沒有看過波蘭的歷史,决定和朋友來 Krakow 旅行相聚數天, 特意看了書本,才知道波蘭在十九和二十世紀時的苦難,不光是猶太人,本土波蘭人也在俄羅斯和納粹德軍的管治下傷亡慘重。


看完波蘭歷史,來到 Krakow , 參觀的宏偉建築物,堡壘、大教堂,全歐最大廣場等等,都是波蘭國力強盛和富裕的十六、七世紀的作品。

Krakow 位於南北、東西多個同樣強大國家的貿易路線中央,以出產琥珀而收入豐富。

終於在列強多年不停入侵後,因戰力沒能追上火炮威力而滅亡,國土被鄰近三國瓜分(Russia, Prussia, Austria) 而在歐洲地圖上消失百多年。

那時期,人民被長年勞役,如送去西百利亞工作,以1890 年的統計,那些年有近百五萬人離開,多以南北美為目的地。




參加城市walking tour, 導賞人驕傲地指出,八十年代終於脫離蘇聯獨立後,國家一貧如洗,廿年前加入歐盟是個重要轉捩點,那時失業率高企,是歐盟的窮國,現在的經濟就,是首十名成員之一。



waiting for sunset

Krakow, Poland 5/5 Food

Made an effort to try most of the local dishes, cuisine is not their selling point, but still interesting to know. My favourites are sour fermented rye soup, tripe soup, sausages and grilled smoked cheese.

Bigos, cabbage stew with meat in a bread bowl

cooked herrings in different marinate, lemon mustard, curry, beetroot, spicy

dumplings in beetroot soup

fried trout

confid lard with onion and pork

tasting of vodka, with herb, lemon honey, cherry and walnut

grilled smoked cheese with caramelised beetroot

brilled sausage with horseradish

Zapiekanka, various toppings on cheese toasted bread

cabbage meat roll

roast mutton

zurek, fermented rye soup with sausage

potato pancake with apple

Pierogies, dumplkings with various fillings